Helping Federal Employees and Annuitants Understand Their Benefits


Getting Started

Learn how to evaluate your personal situation, start your retirement application, and develop a realistic retirement plan.



Determine when you are eligible for a FERS or CSRS retirement including early and deferred retirement options.


Annuity Payments

Estimate annuity payments for targeted retirement dates and discover ways to increase your monthly payments.


Benefit Options

Insurance options including FEGLI, FEHB and Medicare, survivor elections, and Thrift Savings Plan withdrawals.


Financial Planning

Evaluate your retirement income and expenses plus learn about your TSP and Social Security options.




FERS and CSRS Federal Civil Service Retirement Planning Resources

"I spent 3 hours on the web looking for answers to questions concerning federal retirement. After a Google search yielded your address, it took only 20 minutes to find all of my answers! Thank you!!!"  Rod H. (Read all Reviews)

Resignations Federal Agencies Prepare for Reorganizations with Planned RIFs

Many attend retirement planning seminars prior to retiring and return with more questions than answers. This site fills the gap and will help you determine if you are financially, emotionally and physically ready for federal retirement. You will be able to estimate your retirement income and expenses using our easy-to-follow checklist, complete federal retirement forms, explore financial issues including TSP options, understand basic estate civil service retirement planning techniques, find jobs in retirement if desired, and determine your spouse's survivor annuity income and expenses.


Preparation is the key to a successful federal civil service retirement. This site helps Federal and Postal employees successfully transition from an active federal employee to an informed, financially secure, and involved federal retiree. Current retirees will also find answers they need to make informed decisions about their retirement benefits. If you desire to work in retirement, you will find  private sector job listings specifically targeting to retirees. You can also explore ways to return to government employment through the rehired annuitant program, personal service contracts, or contractor options.

Displaced Federal Worker's Job Board Displaced Federal Worker's Job Board
Locate contractors, vacany listings, and more

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New Year Preparation 2025 Federal Employee's Leave Record
Excel Leave Tracking Chart for Your Desktop

CLearance Jobs
Federal employees who are retiring soon and recent retirees with security clearances
can search thousands of high-paying defense and government contractor jobs.

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