Federal Employee's CSRS & FERS Retirement Sick Leave Conversion Chart
To use this chart find the number in the table closest to the number of hours of your unused sick leave. Obtain this figure from your most recent pay stub and then add any additional hours that you will accrue up to your retirement date. Federal employees earn 4 hours of sick leave each pay period, every two weeks.
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In the horizontal column you will find the number of months and in the vertical column the remaining number of days. For example: 441 hours equals 2 months and 16 days. Another example: 1452 hours equals 8 months and 11 days. (If the number of hours falls between two figures shown on the table, use the next higher figure.) See the full explanation on the previous page. FERS employees now receive full credit for their sick leave.
Many federal employees take advantage of their accumulated sick leave and are able to add months to years of service to increase their annuity in retirement. If you retire with one year of sick leave, 2087 hours, your annuity will be calculated on your service years plus 1 additional year for your sick leave and you will collect this for the remainder of your life!
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Table For Converting Unused Sick Leave Into Additional Service
Months |
0 |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
11 |
Days |
6 |
35 |
209 |
383 |
557 |
731 |
904 |
1078 |
1252 |
1426 |
1600 |
1774 |
1948 |
11 |
64 |
238 |
412 |
586 |
760 |
933 |
1107 |
1281 |
1455 |
1629 |
1803 |
1977 |
16 |
93 |
267 |
441 |
615 |
789 |
962 |
1136 |
1310 |
1484 |
1658 |
1832 |
2006 |
21 |
122 |
296 |
470 |
644 |
817 |
991 |
1165 |
1339 |
1513 |
1687 |
1861 |
2035 |
26 |
151 |
325 |
499 |
673 |
846 |
1020 |
1194 |
1368 |
1542 |
1716 |
1890 |
2064 |
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