Helping Federal Employees and Annuitants Understand Their Benefits


Divorce Guidance

Federal Employee Divorce Assistance



HR & Divorce Guidance Forum - Hosted by Ann Ozuna

Ann is a retired CSRS Personnel Management Specialist who founded Personnel Solutions Federal Benefits Counseling upon her own retirement from federal service in 1996. In addition to her 25-year federal personnel career, she holds an MBA from Gonzaga University and the Senior Professional in Human Resources (SPHR) and Chartered Federal Employee Benefits Consultant (ChFEBC) designations. Ann's forums, classes and consulting services provide site visitors the benefit of her years of experience.

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Forum Host Introduction


Ann Ozuna Ann is a retired CSRS Personnel Management Specialist who has been teaching federal benefits seminars and counseling individuals on their benefits since founding Personnel Solutions in 1996.  She also holds an MBA from Gonzaga University and the SPHR, Senior Professional in Human Resources, from the Society for Human Resources Management, SHRM. She became involved in how federal benefits are handled in divorces when one of her clients became worth more dead than alive in retirement thanks to a misunderstanding by the courts on how survivor benefits worked.  Since that time she has taught CLE classes for attorneys/mediators, testified as a expert witness, and works with individuals, as well as attorneys and their staffs to insure an understanding of how Federal Civilian Retirement benefits are different from the usual pension law, ERISA.

Ann began her federal career with “Civilian Personnel” in 1977 after 10 years in the federal administrative field.  She worked in the areas of position classification, staffing, HR Information Systems, Non-Appropriated Funds, and benefits for the Departments of Defense and Energy.  Her final project for Bonneville Power (DOE) was publication and presentation of a handbook and seminar for the “field” employees on CSRS and FERS retirement benefits.  She began teaching seminars for her local NARFE Chapter shortly after retirement and now teaches classes and counsels all over the country. As divorce is one of the major issues that can derail a carefully planned retirement, Ann looks forward to answering reader questions on its impact and how benefits can be allocated.

Professional Assistance

For a free initial consultation advise Ann that you heard about her services on Contact Ann's firm Personnel Solutions Federal Benefits Counseling for immediate assistance. She works with employees/retirees and their lawyers on divorce matters dividing federal retirement, survivor benefits, and the Thrift Savings Plan. Call (509) 993-2283 or send an email to



 The advice and strategies contained herein may not be suitable for your situation. You should consult with an attorney, financial or human resource professional where appropriate. The publisher and author are not privy to an individual's Official Personnel File (OPF), federal employees and retirees should contact the HR department that maintains their OPF to insure all aspects of their personal situation is covered. Neither the publisher or author shall be liable for any loss or any other commercial damages, including but not limited to special, incidental, consequential, or other damages.