Helping Federal Employees and Annuitants Understand Their Benefits


FEGLI Annuitant Costs

Options A,B, and C - Current Rates



Rates effective on or after October 1, 2021 Rates


New rates for FEGLI coverage were announced in early September of 2021 to be effective the first pay period on or after October 1, 2021.

Use the following rate charts to compare FELGI option costs. These rates are for annuitants, federal employees should review the FEGLI employee rate charts. Premiums for options A, B and C are adjusted as you age and the costs can become prohibitive especially for the Option B multiples. Evaluate your insurance needs before selecting what options you will carry into retirement. 

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Review your Option B coverage carefully before you retire. The cost for multiples (Option B) more than doubles from $.39 monthly per thousand dollars of coverage at 55-59 to $.867 monthly per thousand dollars of coverage at age 60-64. In retirement it will cost an annuitant $3.90 per $1,000 of coverage monthly from age 75-79 and that increases to $6.24 monthly per $1,000 in coverage 80 and over! 

Obtain competitive quotes for Part B coverage to compare costs.  

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FEGLI Rate Menu

FEGLI Basic Life


  75% Reduction 50% Reduction No Reduction
Until the Month after your 65th Birthday $0.3467 monthly $1.0967 monthly $2.5967 monthly
Starting the Month after your 65th Birthday Free $0.75 monthly $2.25 monthly


Cost for each $1,000 of the Basic Insurance Amount in Effect at the Time of your Retirement

You will continue to pay premiums for life (unless you cancel or subsequently elect 75% Reduction). Rates May Change in the Future.

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Option A FEGLI Rates - Standard (Monthly)

$10,000 Coverage

Age Group Rates
Under 35 $0.43
35-39 $0.43
40-44 $0.65
45-49 $1.30
50-54 $2.17
55-59 $3.90
60+ $13.00
65+ Free

Rates May Change in the Future


Option B FEGLI Rates


Rates for Option B - Additional

Age Group Monthly, per $1,000 of Coverage
Under 35 $0.043
35-39 $0.043
40-44 $0.065
45-49 $0.130
50-54 $0.217
55-59 $0.390
60-64 $0.867
65 Free if elect reduction *


* NOTE: When you retire you elect either a full Option B reduction benefit or no reduction. If you elect full reduction your multiple coverage will stay in force until you reach age 65. At age 65 the premiums stop and your coverage reduces 2% a month for 50 months when coverage ends.

For eligible annuitants who elected No Reduction for Option B, coverage is NOT free for age 65+. These annuitants must continue to pay premiums as shown below for No Reduction Option B coverage.

Age Group Monthly, per $1,000 of Coverage
Age 65-69 $1.140
Age 70-74 $1.8630
Age 75-79 $3.90
Age 80+ $6.2400


Rates revised 10/1/2021 and may change in the future.


Option C FEGLI Family Rates

Rates for Option C FEGLI Family Coverage

1 Multiple = $5,000 For A Spouse
1 Multiple = $2,500 For Each Eligible Dependent Child


Annuitant's Age Group Monthly, per multiple
Under 35 $0.48
35-39 $0.59
40-44 $0.89
45-49 $1.28
50-54 $1.99
55-59 $3.21
60-64 $5.85
65+ Free*
(BUT see below)


*For eligible annuitants who elected No Reduction for Option C, coverage is NOT free for age 65+. These annuitants must continue to pay premiums, as shown below:


Annuitant's Age Group Monthly, per multiple
Age 65-69 $6.80
Age 70-74 $8.30
Age 75-79 $11.40
Age 80+ $15.60


Rates revised 10/1/2021 and may change in the future

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