Helping Federal Employees and Annuitants Understand Their Benefits


Ask the Experts

Forum Hosts & Guest writers



Federal Employee's CSRS & FERS Federal Civil Service Retirement & Financial Planning Resources


We started the "Ask the Expert" free service to compliment the in-depth information provided on and to answer site visitor's questions that are unique and not addressed elsewhere online. The Expert replies are added to our FAQ page and this information is also used to update or supplement the content on this site in each major area.  All forum host articles are posted on our FED BLOG.

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Forum Hosts

The forum hosts are: Dennis Damp for Lifestyle, HR and Employment, a federal retiree, veteran, and author with 35 years service; Dr. Cynthia Compton-Conley hosts our Hearing Loss Help Forum and has an extensive federal background in this field; Ann Ozuna for Divorce / Human Resources discusses the negative impact of divorce on federal employee's retirement benefits and Nancy Holston covers worldwide Travel.  Each Forum Host writes a column that is posted on our blog at and is sent out to our email newsletter subscribers. Go to their respective Forums to learn more about each host, read their articles, and to ask them questions that you can't get answers to anywhere else.


Guest Writers

Guest writers are invited to contribute articles and content to this site. Visit our Guest Forum page for additional information. Interested parties must submit their first article with a signed Guest writer Agreement.  

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