Helping Federal Employees and Annuitants Understand Their Benefits


FEGLI Employee Costs

Options A, B and C - 2021 Rate Increase


Rates effective on or after October 1, 2021


New rates for FEGLI coverage were announced in early September of 2021 to be effective the first pay period on or after October 1, 2021.

The following rate charts compare FELGI option costs for active federal employees. Retirees should review the FEGLI Annuitant rate charts. FEGLI insurance premiums for options A, B and C are adjusted as you age and the costs can get prohibitive especially for the Option B multiples. Active federal employees need to Evaluate their insurance needs when initially enrolling or during upcoming open enrollment periods.

Review your Option B coverage carefully. The cost for multiples more than doubles from $.18 bi-weekly per thousand dollars of coverage at 55-59 to $.40 bi-weekly per thousand at age 60-64. In retirement it will cost an annuitant $3.90 per $1,000 of coverage monthly from age 75-79 and that increases to $6.24 monthly per $1,000 in coverage 80 and over! 

Obtain competitive quotes for Part B coverage to compare costs.  

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FEGLI Employee Rate Menu



Cost for each $1,000 of the Basic Insurance Amount in Effect at the Time of your Retirement

FOR ALL AGES $.160 (16 cents) biweekly or $.3467 monthly.

Rates May Change in the Future

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Option A FEGLI Rates - Standard (Biweekly & Monthly)

Age Group Biweekly Monthly
Under 35 $0.20 $0.43
35-39 $0.20 $0.65
40-44 $0.30 $0.65
45-49 $0.60 $1.30
50-54 $1.00 $2.17
55-59 $1.80 $3.90
60+ $6.00 $13.00


Rates May Change in the Future

Rates for Option B - Additional


Per $1,000 in coverage

Age Group Biweekly Monthly
Under 35 $0.02 $0.043
35-39 $0.02 $0.043
40-44 $0.03 $0.065
45-49 $0.06 $0.130
50-54 $0.10 $0.217
55-59 $0.18 $0.39
60-64 $0.40 $0.867
65-69 $0.48 $1.040
70-74 $0.86 $1.863
75-79 $1.80 $3.90
80 and over $2.88 $6.240


Rates revised 10/1/2021 and may change in the future.



Rates for Option C FEGLI Family Coverage

1 Multiple = $5,000 For A Spouse
1 Multiple = $2,500 For Each Eligible Dependent Child


Age Group Biweekly Monthly, per multiple
Under 35 $0.20 $0.43
35-39 $0.24 $0.52
40-44 $0.37 $0.80
45-49 $0.53 $1.15
50-54 $0.83 $1.80
55-59 $1.33 $2.88
60-64 $2.43 $5.27
65-69 $2.83 $6.13
70-74 $3.83 $8.30
75-79 $5.76 $12.48
80 and over $7.80 $16.90


Rates revised 1/1/2016 and may change in the future

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