Each year we publish a comprehensive Excel leave record and calculator that federal employees can use to track their annual and sick leave, comp, and credit hours used. Our updated 2025 Leave Record is designed for active federal employees. Those approaching retirement can use this spreadsheet to establish realistic target retirement dates.
New Executive Order Pushes for Federal Workforce Reduction:
What It Means for Government Jobs
This Leave Record Spreadsheet also helps federal employees maximize their annuity through prudent management of their annual, sick, comp, and credit hour balances.
Click on this banner to sign up for a complimentary retirement planning
session and a FREE retirement planning report
Download the new 2025 federal leave record and place it on your desktop to not only track your leave balances but to capture your work schedule for the current year. The spreadsheet automatically calculates all of your leave balances. Use our Sick leave Chart to determine the amount of additional time you will accumulate towards retirement. Each full month of sick leave ads to your annuity payment. By thoughtfully planning your exit you will be able to maximize your benefits and the one time payout for your accumulated annual leave.
I would like to thank Dan, a federal employee, that beta tested this new
version. He continues to provid
formatting and content updates that add functionality
to our spreadsheet.
If your spreadsheet opens in protected view click the "enable editing" button in the yellow bar at the top of the form. However, if you don't see the enable editing button you may have an older version of Excel or your IT department may have to allow the form to pass without restrictions. We also included a newer xlxs workbook version that you can use if you have problems with the earlier version.
Microsoft Edge browser users may find that the spreadsheets opens in a quick view format, you must download the file to use it on your computer. When you open the downloaded file, it will generally open up in Protected Mode, click on enable editing to use the file.
A Microsoft Office consulting firm advised me that If the files opens in protected view the protected view status is a result of security settings on your agency's LAN and network. Some agencies increase their security settings to lock out certain documents based on the parameters the IT specialist selects. We do include several hyperlinks in our forms to link users to additional information such as our sick leave conversion chart and that may be the cause. If you have this problem when opening the form I suggest talking with your IT people to have them allow the form to pass without restrictions.
2024 Leave & Schedule Excel Charts.
Typically you select several target retirement dates that provide the maximum annuity payment and refund of accumulated annual leave. This process includes setting a retirement date that provides you with another even month of accumulated sick leave which adds to your annuity payment.
Each month of accumulated sick leave ads to your monthly annuity check and by conserving your annual leave usage, the last few years of employment, you will receive a rather large annual leave lump sum check a month or two after you leave. You can gradually accumulate 6 weeks of annual leave over your career and then use as little annual leave as you possibly can the last year of service. If you don't use any leave your last year you can retire with up to 448 hours of annual leave, the maximum amount allowed.
Federal employees who are retiring soon and recent retirees with security
can search thousands of high-paying defense
and government contractor jobs.
The following partial screenshot presents the layout of the spreadsheet to familiarize you with the format. Download the 2024 and 2025 leave records and place them on your desktop for easy reference and update.